TEAM • Michael Kirby CLT Building Tour
DJRD visited the recently completed Michael Kirby Building at Macquarie University to experience an inspiring and uplifting example of a mass timber frame building in an Australian context.
NEWS • Sustainability Action Plan
DJRD are excited to announce the launch of our Sustainability Action Plan 2025.
EVENTS • Sustainability Summit 2024
DJRDs Heather McCabe participated at this year’s Sustainability Summit as a panel speaker on Rethinking Passive Design.
NEWS • Reconciliation Action Plan
DJRDs RAP has officially been accredited by Reconciliation Australia and DJRD has been recognised as a member of the RAP network.
TEAM • Sustainable House Site Visit
DJRD took a tour of Michael Mobbs’s Sustainable House, which is near our office in Chippendale.
EVENTS • SAP Workshop
DJRD held our first collaborative in-house workshop as part of the creation of our Sustainability Action Plan.
NEWS • Thredbo Alpine Coaster
Take a look at our newly proposed Alpine Coaster in Thredbo!
Thredbo’s Alpine Coaster was granted Development Approval earlier this year and now construction is underway.
EVENTS • AFTRS Presentation
DJRD were privileged to be invited to the AFTRS Presentation and mixer to celebrate past Alumni.
NEWS • Griffith Base Hospital Redevelopment
Griffith Base Hospital redevelopment has reached a significant milestone with construction.
See more and watch a fly through video of our project!
AWARDS • Whitton Lane
2023 Think Brick Award Winners Announced!
DJRD received a Horbury Hunt Commercial High Commendation for our residential development in Bondi Junction.
Check out the project on our website or visit the link below!
AWARDS • UTS Central
UTS Central has been recognised by the Australian Institute of Architects, winning the 2023 NSW Award for Educational Architecture.
DJRD Architects and Lacoste + Stevenson Architects were proud to be part of the fjcstudio led project.
TEAM • Spring BBQ 2023
DJRD celebrated both the website launch and our 41 year milestone at our annual Spring BBQ.