Royal Sydney Golf Club Fitness Centre

Year: 2011

Location: Rose Bay, NSW

Client: Royal Sydney Golf Club

Awards: 2011 Master Builders (NSW) Excellence in Construction Award – Entertainment Buildings. 

The Fitness Centre facility includes a 300m2 cardio and weights gym, 25m outdoor pool, heated indoor pool, a café, crèche and ancillary administration and amenities. 

The challenge, and the success, of the new fitness centre are in how it interacts with the landscape of the grounds; both in physical connections and in the ethos of a very well-loved traditional architecture. The seamless connection of new to old is enhanced by the respectful selection of materials: Bowral bricks, sandstone and oxidised copper. As a result while the architectural language of the new Fitness Centre is unmistakably contemporary, its etymology is clearly in the traditional verse of the Royal Sydney Golf Club.